Apa sing kudu digatekake nalika ngoperasikake mesin cuci tekanan?


There are many things to be aware of when operating a high-pressure washer. When operating the high-pressure cleaner, we should always wear appropriate goggles, gloves and masks; Always keep hands and feet away from the cleaning nozzle; Always check all electrical connections and all fluids; Always check the hose for cracks and leaks; When not in use, always set the trigger in a safe lock state; Always work with the lowest pressure possible, but the pressure should be enough to get the job done; Always release the pressure in the washer before disconnecting the hose; Always drain the hose after each use; Never point the airbrush at yourself or others; Never start equipment until you have checked that all hose connections are locked in place; Never start the equipment until the supply water is connected and the appropriate flow of water over the spray gun rod, and then connect the required cleaning nozzle to the spray gun rod.

Utamane, aja ninggalake mesin cuci tekanan tanpa pengawasan sajrone operasi. Saben sampeyan ngeculake pemicu, pompa bakal operate ing mode bypass. Yen pompa wis mlaku ing mode bypass kanggo wektu sing suwe, suhu banyu sirkulasi sing berlebihan ing pompa bakal nyepetake umur layanan pompa utawa malah ngrusak pompa. Mula, aja nganggo piranti ing mode off-line nganti suwe.


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